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Linda Ronstadt: Home

Linda Ronstadt was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2014.

Linda Ronstadt

Linda Ronstadt profile photographSparkling. Rock. Versatile. Linda Ronstadt's voice was unlike any other.

She expanded from her country and folk-rock roots to cover nearly every genre imaginable. Ronstadt - a perfectionist and true master of her craft - never met a song she couldn't interpret. To discuss Linda's remarkable music career would be to place equal emphasis on all the kinds of music she has sung, from folk and folk rock, to country and country rock, to pop rock and hard rock, to Gilbert and Sullivan and Puccini, to American songbook standards, to Mexican ranchera, to Afro-Cuban, to jazz. It's kind of amazing. More on

Spotify Playlist


All our audio by Linda Ronstadt can be found here.


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